Monday, February 25, 2008

get get gah get get gah

I'm ungilating through something allot like identity. I'm lost with who I am sometimes, I think sometimes i just live to please, and is that so wrong? was it ever so wrong? even if it was at the loss of myself, maybe that's the ultimate gift, love like that. love like that leads to a kind of death most people fear. who are you? and who are me?

It gets blurry in the middle here, and while i love you their, do I love you here? is the love different? would you make more sense manifest, would we better friends holding hands and skipping stones? I wonder, I do wonder. I'm a disappointment all fleshed out like this, yet i'm also a refreshing discovery. It's probably the inner meaty part that is most appealing always, but still, who is that exactly? where is that? is it where it should be? Does the nose really know?

is this what i really want? is anything what i really want? probably not, because what i really want, really probably doesn't matter. it's very fluid.
i like the easy goals, the big ones allude me.

did you and your lover get lost driving down the road? did you stop to love? did the sand storm come and blow you away? and what are you really watching? 3 seconds playing over and over again. assign a meaning, go on, i dare you to. i double dog dare you. triple dog dare you. dare you to death. whatever it takes to make you take action, let me make myself a vessel for that. but keep watching. maybe something will change.

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