Friday, October 3, 2008

Ichibot, Brooklyn is Watching, Tanith Catteneo, and Shenanigans.

SO Ichibot and I did a collaboration for a building, It looked something like this:

Inspired by Ichibot's Noodling, I decided to make something myself and submit it to Jack Pelicans, Brooklyn Is Watching project gallery in second life:(photos stolen from Brooklyn Is Watching's Flickr.)

Brooklyn is Watching also featured me in there Podcast ((at this point I should add that my SL name is Tanith Catteneo))

They said something about the ROLF sign being Bruce Nauman if it wasn't for the pink pony. It would be more artful if it wasn't for the pink pony. I wanted the pink pony to be waiting for you next to the ROLF sign like the ridiculous performer at a comedy club. He's sitting there, the textual, flashing, neon demand for laughter over head....starring at you with his really stupid hippo/pony eyes, making you wonder what exactly the joke was. The Brooklyn Is Watching people thought the Pony was a broken amusement park ride. I didn't submit a note card to clarify what was going on in the piece, so I supposed it's a simple mistake.

ANYWAYS. I decided to react to there Bruce Nauman being more artistic comment, by turning it up to 11, and instead of simply leaving them a goofy flashing sign. I custom built a sky box, and spelled out "Bruce Nauman Has No Teeth" in neon letters, and mirrored on the other side "Richard Prince Gets The Joke". This of course is parodying Bruce Nauman's recent retrospective which was titled "The Rose Has No Teeth" and the fact that Richard Prince did a series of paintings where he painted out the punch lines to jokes on canvas. I also tried to leave the area behind the Richard Prince sign rough and kind of painterly looking, so that it reflected his work a little more...After all he doesn't use neon to my knowledge.
The pink pony made a comeback, simply because I think the absurdity of him lightens up the room, and maybe will make it apparent that the nature of this new object is light hearted in nature.

Anyways, feel free to come by my island, and see what else Ichibot's been up too. Also I'm still looking for people who want to do in world installations/events. I think I'm going to try to have an offical opening for the sim after I get back from New York City at the end of October/begenning of November.


Unknown said...

Vanessa/Tanith, I loved what you all have done at the sim! Posted some pix to my flickr pages under my SL name of Kumi Kuhr.
xx KK

earlyadopter said...

we (biw podcast) completely missed the second version with the more obvious commentary on nauman