Thursday, March 20, 2008

what really happened in NYC?

(3:51:42 PM) evilstepmom: I like the cop to your left that has the straight face... Would have been more convincing if your hands were on teh car and he was patting you down
(3:51:58 PM) me: tracy they are street cops, thier was no car
(3:52:18 PM) evilstepmom: They could have still had you up against a wall or something
(3:52:22 PM) me: i say you show it to dad and act like something serious is going on
(3:52:24 PM) evilstepmom: handcuffs would have been fun
(3:52:24 PM) me: yeah
(3:52:39 PM) me: yeah the one on the left looking all serious offered.... it was a little to sincere of an offer
(3:53:03 PM) evilstepmom: they don't use the metal ones much any more,,, they have these plastic tie things
(3:53:09 PM) evilstepmom: you can get them at lowes
(3:53:13 PM) tevilstepmom: not as romantic
(3:53:13 PM) me: lol
(3:53:16 PM) me: i know
(3:53:28 PM) evilstepmom: okay... I got a billion things to get done... .
(3:53:45 PM) me: well..i'm glad you enjoyed the picture, thanks for the slightly creepy tips
(3:53:57 PM) evilstepmom: my job to educate
(3:53:58 PM) evilstepmom: love
(3:54:03 PM) me: love

1 comment:

TBSHARP said...

my comments are in black so no one can read them???